Contribution rules

Non-binding nature of English Translation:
Translation from the German language has been provided for suitability. To the extent that a conflict between the English and the German version of these by-laws should arise, the German version applies.


Membership in the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Prozess- und Anlagensicherheit e.V. is governed by the Articles of Association. The membership fees are regulated by the Contribution Rules.

Contribution regulations of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Prozess- und Anlagensicherheit e.V. (Society for the Promotion of Process and Plant Safety), Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Str. 7, 76327 Pfinztal in the resolution of: 28.01.2015:


§ 1 General

1.1 The contribution regulations define the contribution obligations of both the personal members (natural persons) and the sustaining members (legal entities).

1.2 The executive committee of the association decides on the changes of the contribution regulations. Changes come into force on 1.1. of the calendar year following the resolution if no other resolutions have been passed.

§ 2 Resolutions

2.1 The Board shall decide on the amount of the one-off admission fee and the annual membership fees for the personal members and the sustaining members.

2.2 The admission fee is due with the admission of the member into the association.

2.3 Annual membership fees are charged in January of a calendar year. In the year of membership an annual membership fee is due with the admission of the member into the association.

2.4 A change of the dues in the dues regulations must be announced at least 2 months before the change.

2.5 Personal members will be informed about changes by e-mail to the address entered in the membership directory.

2.6 Supporting members shall be informed in writing of changes to the address entered in the membership register.

2.7 Members are obliged to report changes of their address, telephone number and e-mail to the association.

2.8 Sustaining members from companies with less than 100 employees are entitled to pay the admission fee in two equal instalments. The partial amounts are due in the first and second year of membership.

§ 3 Fees

3.1 Personal members
Personal members are natural persons. Membership is free of charge
Personal members are requested to support the association by donating contributions.

3.2 Sustaining members
Sustaining members are legal entities.
Membership is free of charge for the following sustaining members:
1) Institutes at technical colleges or universities
2) Institutions under public law or non-profit organisations / associations
Sustaining members have to pay an admission fee of € 5,000.00 upon admission to the association.
Sustaining members are asked to support the association with a voluntary annual donation of 1000 €.

3.3 The admission fee serves to endow the association with assets, in particular to establish the CSE Center of Safety Excellence gGmbH. The funds do not have to be used promptly.

§ 4 Association account

Deutsche Bank
IBAN DE91 5467 0024 0033 3633 00
Payments of benefits to other accounts are not permitted.