
Non-binding nature of English Translation:
Translation from the German language has been provided for suitability. To the extent that a conflict between the English and the German version of these by-laws should arise, the German version applies.
Below are some sections of the CSE-Society Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Prozess- und Anlagensicherheit e.V. by laws passed on 19th February 2015 (Note: the up-to-date by-laws apply):

§ 1 Name, address and fiscal year

(1) The association has the name ” SP3S Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Prozess und An-lagensicherheit “. The Association shall be entered in the register. After the entry in the register it takes the additional suffix” registered charity ” in the abbreviated form “e.V.” For international contacts of the society it can be entitled” Society for the Promotion of Process and Plant Safety”.

(2) The association is based in Pfinztal.

(3) The financial year is the calendar year.

§ 2 Purpose of the Association

(1) The association pursues exclusively charitable purposes within the meaning of section “tax purposes” of the German tax code.
The purpose of the association is to promote:
a) science and research,
b) education, adult and vocational education, including student aid.

§ 3 Activities of the Association

The association promotes the purposes mentioned in § 2 para 2 by appropriate activities, in particular by the following activities.

(1) The organization ensures as a shareholder the foundation and promotion of the Re-search Institute Center of Safety Excellence in the legal form of a non-profit organiza-tion (CSE gGmbH) for research in the field of process and plant safety. The society will ensure that the institute pursues its charitable purposes in research and education.

(2) In addition, the society raises funds for the implementation of the non-profit purpose of CSE gGmbH and other non-profit research institutions in the field of process and plant safety (§ 58 no. 1 AO of German tax code), in particular by attracting members and supporters.

(3) The Association serves its members as a forum in the field of process and plant safety and provides impetus for initiating research and development and to foster young talent in this area.

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